- Nomad
- A Canadian expatriate living and exploring first France now Germany, then BACK to FRANCE (!!!) with her family; former fashion designer, turned unexpected UNLIKELY NOMAD, raising two children, writing, photographing, painting, playing piano (who knew!!) and blogging - and now... full time student at ART SCHOOL!! (I MUST be crazy!!)
Monday, February 25, 2008
Second utter/absolute favorite MOMENT-OF-THE-DAY
Sunday, February 24, 2008
UTMOST FAVORITE moment-of-the-day
What we could not see on Google earth was that the villa flanked a beautiful, calm and peaceful valley, with a pristine steepled village on one side and a breathtaking slab of rocky Alp jutting up on the other, and rolling toboggan hills on the third. Although a km or so from the slope what we also couldn't see on Google earth was the sweet honey perfect length of meticulously groomed wide wide cross country ski and alpine walking trail, covered with firmly packed soft *crunchy* pristine snow, perfect for walking and even better for this...
Unbeknownst to us we could rent them with our skis, and rent them we did...too cool.
We arose everyday an hour earlier in order to make the 40 minute walk to the hill with the kids in tow. I am not sure if it was...
...the snowflakes so large and perfect they sparkled and blinded like like diamonds,
....the glorious sunshine and clear, clear blue sky EVERY DAY,
...the absolute and complete satisfaction of the children at being towed in unison by their GPA and Daddy, ...just the simple glorious mountain air,
...or being surrounded by incredibly majestic snow capped peaks of rocky Alp the entire way
...or the fact that we had GPA with us the whole time and we ALL were SO happy about that...
that seared this part of our journey indelibly in my brain, as the my UTMOST FAVORITE moment-of-the-day ....or not.
But it sure did...
More to come tomorrow...
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Austria; In the beginning
Friday, February 22, 2008
Who are you?

I LOVE looking at this map...it makes me wonder who you all are way off in the far reaching corners of the world...if you feel like it...who are you? If you click on the globe map on the sidebar and then click "Map with smaller clusters" you will be able to see approximate viewer locations...too cool...
The beginning of the Journey, Austria here we come!
The train station, one of the cool HABA games-in-a-tin we play on the road, Riel and TBG peering back at us from in betwixt their seats, the oh-my-goodness-are-we-really-going-that-fast train speed of the super efficient German train service, slogging bags...thank goodness for strong 7 year olds...looking at the scenery change and rush by (our favourite thing about taking the train) and LOOK...Guess who we discovered at the Munich train station!!! And finally arriving a mountain from our destination...
Weeewww hoooo!!!!
PS..Is this collage not THE coolest thing...if you click on the collage the it will enlarge so you can get a better look!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
I know I promised pics... but I am so sorry sick...
*Coff coff*... *HACK* ...sniffle snork...*
Gosh I make an awful sick person...
Ughhhh. Catch ya soon...I will deliver I promise...
Friday, February 8, 2008
Ski Naked...

I hope I will be doing this next week, (OMG who am I kidding!!!)...and no...that is not me in the picture...Egads would that not be SOOooooo cold? Brr I get goose bumps thinking of it...and well YEAH I AM kidding...
* I would NEVER wear a maroon bikini like that...that color looks atrocious on me...*
I hope a scene that looks like this will be the one that greets us.

Austria here we come...!
The kids will both be skiing for the first time ...can't wait it will be SO fun... so check back in next after next week-sure to be some good pics!!
and SHHHH!!!!...
Don't tell anyone but Grandpa Canada is flying over tonight to meet us in Munich tomorrow at the train station to spend the week with us ...and the kids don't know!!
Watch out...*barrelling down slope*... Hang TEN!!
*Ooops is that surfing??*
Monday, February 4, 2008
Hannover's Ghost
I felt like a bit of a ghost wandering around the old town, as I often do when looking at centuries old architecture...wondering who has trodden the same paths...on which errands, and to meet whom...to pick up which food to cook late on which steaming pots, to visit which milleners and dress or shoe makers and to titter about which gossip...
...And then really for the first time since we have arrived, I kind of meandered a bit, mapless which, since I am SO directionally challenged, is always a bit nerve wracking (and I suppose since I am so Nomadic a little astounding that I have not actually gotten pemanently lost...) anyway I digress....
The old buildings are beautiful, sort of remind me of Charles Rennie Mackintosh and border on kind of a Glaswegian style of architecture...guess we are not really ALL that far from Scotland after all. So then I meandered down a few allies, discovered a very old church...
and town square...
that I had so far completely missed, I always love unexpected discoveries...
In this photo of the town sqaure you may notice some very modern sculpture in the thick of all this medieval architecture. Hannover is just sort of like that, due to the extensive damage sustained during the war large sections of it have been rebuilt and there is more modern sculpture here than in any other place I have ever visited...sort of cool...