My photo
A Canadian expatriate living and exploring first France now Germany, then BACK to FRANCE (!!!) with her family; former fashion designer, turned unexpected UNLIKELY NOMAD, raising two children, writing, photographing, painting, playing piano (who knew!!) and blogging - and now... full time student at ART SCHOOL!! (I MUST be crazy!!)

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


We had a fab time, it was so great to see Gpa.

I know I promised pics... but I am so sorry sick...

*Coff coff*... *HACK* ...sniffle snork...*

Gosh I make an awful sick person...


Ughhhh. Catch ya soon...I will deliver I promise...



Nomad said...


Sound of bell...

Maybe it was all that skiing naked!!!

Naw just kidding...

oreneta said...

Well, I am glad it was great even if you're sick, hang in there!

Beth said...

Take care - feel better soon.

Happy to hear the trip went well.

Beth said...

Hey, yeah - maybe you are sick after skiing in that bikini!

Anonymous said...

Just wondering if you used your voice activation for this blo entry:-)

Port Hope Patti

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a good time.

Feel better - no more naked skiing for you ;-)

Gary said...

Give yourself a rest - we'll be here when the photos go up. What a rich time for you and your family...

Nomad said...

Thanks for the well wishes everyone...and after two-gruelling-days-in-bed-in-which-I-only-thought-about-my-own-imminent-death...YES, I did learn my lesson...NO more skiing naked for me!!

But I am on the mend is sunny here the kids are outside and TBG is biking...

*blog bliss*

What we have been up to...