The Day has Finally arrived...
For those if you who may not already know this Riel has enrolled in a roller blade class with his school, as an extra curricular activity. Riel was very enthusiastic right from the get go and has been doing what they call “Roller” (with a big rolled French “R” at the beginning and the end). His coach is a nice young guy named Emilien and as far as I can see Emilien does not “Roller” on water yet, but he sure must be pretty close to it.
Several weeks ago there was “Un Competition” which due to extenuating circumstances Riel was not able to participate in. This delay only served to heighten the anticipation of the next “Competition” several weeks off, and indeed it did come to parallel an event of equal significance such as a birthday or even Christmas…
Yes Honey?
How may days till my race?
Ummm…*consult calendar* uhh…5 weeks honey…
Several hours pass… and then
Let’s just say that Riel was REALLY looking forward to it, especially since he now has his own very new spanky pair of roller blades an Xmas gift from his G’ma and G’pa B…
So the Big Day Finally arrives…I am flying in from Chicago and TBG has to leave on a 3:30 train out that same afternoon , so we are desperately trying to get it together so Riel can actually participate. The transit gods are smiling on me and I arrive just in time in Paris to catch the last train to Dijon possible before the race.
Riel suits up
The Racer Ready to Go
Pensive thoughts pre race and maybe a strategy brewing??
The Line up
Ready Steady…
GoGo…. GOOooo!!!
Phew…I’m pooped now!!! Great Race Riel!!!!
Fidgety Lily has found it difficult to SIT STILL so instead has found Mom’s lipgloss and toe separators for a pedicure…
Cute story! I'm glad he got to race.
So was he happy with how it went? Looks like little Miss Lily had a good day.
So sweet. My favourite picture is the "ready steady" one.
And Lily - what a doll with that mischievous, "Look at me, Mom!" expression...
He looks like he is "King of the world"!!!! I'm so glad that he got to race and he looks so prefessional in all his gear.
OMG! Hw could I forget Lily??!!!
She's a girl after my own heart...lip gloss and toe polish!
With kids that cute, how do you ever say "no?"
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