Little Miss Lily did all these all by herself, she looks pretty proud of herself no?

Little Miss Lily was invited to a birthday pretty!!
On the way to the party, she said to me a little pensively....
Mom, when we arrive at the party can you...leave?
*Sheesh* already?
She is so CONFIDENT!!! At eight younger one often doesn't want me to go....
What a sweetheart!
These pictures of "Miss Lily" remind me of Gretel in The Sound Of Music (one of my all time favourite movies).
And if she's asking you to leave, it means you're doing a fabulous parenting job.
(Kinda hurts, though, huh?)
Ok now, that Lilly girl is looking like YOU!
And B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L. garden I must say. Is it really that green there already?
....and so it begins....she now wants you to leave.... :(
she's a very pretty little girl, full of confidence. that's great!
That's amazing - she probably didn't know many of the children at the party.
i have a lili too. we have good taste in names. :)
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