My photo
A Canadian expatriate living and exploring first France now Germany, then BACK to FRANCE (!!!) with her family; former fashion designer, turned unexpected UNLIKELY NOMAD, raising two children, writing, photographing, painting, playing piano (who knew!!) and blogging - and now... full time student at ART SCHOOL!! (I MUST be crazy!!)

Friday, September 21, 2007

Maitrand Bertrand

This is Maitrand Bertrand.
He is an egg timer, and as you can see... we only have 5 Minutes left!!!
He is one version of all the very cool and funky kitchen gadgets that can be had here in Germany. He and I decided to get busy yesterday.

Ever since I was really small and living on our farm in southwestern Ontario I have wonderful memories of my mother making preservers in our kitchen with her stainless steel pots with their bake-a-lite handles and all the produce from our garden. I have always wanted to do this and even thought I love to cook and bake all kinds of food I always thought the prospect of "canning" seemed a little to daunting to even try...

Here in Germany we have several apple trees, and a white, black and red current bush that were loaded with fruit this fall I figured I had to give it a try.

Here is a pot of red currants bubbling merrily away. In another pot I have the jars boiling, and I have some delicious apple juice waiting in the wings to be turned into apple jelly.

I France we had the delight of sampling a fruit jelly infused
with Rosemary and Thyme, which is delicious with fowl, pork or Foie Gras
so I was determined to give it a try. Fresh herbs from the garden...

Once the jelly had passed the freezer test,
(jells on a freezer cold plate)
I poured the jelly into the bottles in which I had previously placed sprigs of herbs.
Then I re steamed the jars to be sure they were sterile,

Maitrand Bertrand surveys the results...Looks pretty good no??



oreneta said...

Looking very very good indeed! I love Bertrand. Is he friends with Matilda?

Anonymous said...

Looks great! I loved that rosemary jelly in France too.

We made strawberry freezer jam this summer. You use a sure-jell product that jells in the freezer so there is no cooking. It was so easy and delicious.

Kimmie said...

Oh, it looks so pretty. A few years ago I made strawberry rhubarb jam, it was a flop as jam, but made and excellent syrup. I used it in trifles and it was a huge hit. It did make feel apprehensive about making my own jam, perhaps this spring I will give it another attempt.

Yours looks beautiful!

mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted

What we have been up to...