YUP...We did go to Northern Germany to the EAST SEA for a long weekend which was fabulous...
YUP....We did got Turkey to ISTANBUL for a week which was even more fabulous...
YUP...I am taking an online course in painting like Orenta...and my two normal art classes during the week plus prepping for my course in London this summer...
YUP...I do have sooo many commitments with the kids at school and about 7 different volunteer things...
YUP...we do have a lovely visitor Eva Diva who has been the MOST SUBLIME of visitors and who the kids simply adore (as we do!!)
YUP WE did just have two super birthdays this week ...mine and the TLG (The Little Guy) who turned 8...won't mention how old I am...thank TONS for all the well wishing and cards and gifts....!!
YUP I do have tons of great pics and lots to say about it ALL...
I have not given up on blogging for any of you who are still stopping by ....but... BUT OH....oh my spinning head!!
Love you miss you, you are so incredible, I am so looking forward to seeing you one of these days..you are on twitter? EVIL now I am even more tempted and I have been trying to avoid it, fearing it would suck me in....ahhhhhh....I may have to go....I have an account but but but...
happy birthday, and kiss the birthday boy for me too, and of course his sister...
I checked out the realism school in TO...ohhhh, I wonder just how much I can abandon my kids while I am there...sigh.
Crazy and busy is good. (Yup!)
I understand completely. Except the travelling part. You are so lucky!
Dear Heather,
Joyeux Anniversaire (and I won't ask how old you are, but will tell you that you look fabulous and 29).
Can't wait for the Istanbul photos.
I'm really loving reading about your travels. I envy your opportunites and that you are doing what you love!! Thanks so much for the comparison to Picasso on my art blog! HUGS to you!!
Well? Are you still there, hoarding all those lovely stories and photos? :)
Hi from N. America. Not sure if you're still blogging, but what you already have is still fun to look at.
Just saying: THANK YOU! For your comment on my blog today :) It made me very happy. I want to wish you and your family all the best!
Elsita :)
you inspire me to travel more...take more photographs...and to enjoy life more.
thank you!!!
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