I must confess I am a bit remiss in not posting our Halloween pics. We had our party over a month ago, a joint effort by our Mother's group. It was awesome, we rented a hall, and had the entire thing decorated and ready to go in just over an hour an d half. Each mom took on one responsibility and supplied a game, some food and helped with the set up. It was a blast and everyone had LOTS of fun. Pics as follows.
The Mummy wrapping contest.

Princess Lily in her papier mache crown

Some Faery Friends!!

Knight Riel in the papier mache helmet

What exactly I am doing bellowing with this role of toilet paper in my hand is not clear...but in *ahem* any case....
a good time was had by all!!
wow! you guys have a BLAST for Halloween!! Great costumes!
Yeah...we do love our halloween, I was in Chicago just before this year and as oppposed to where we live (France) it was all decorated , houses encased in spider webs...It was cool.
What do you guys do?
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