Zidane Mundane??
Has world cup soccer fever pitched and peaked over yonder or is it only here? We have soccer ball flower pots (I was amazed to see at out local grocery), flags of every shape and size, children are shouting "Allez les Bleus" the nick name of the French team (though Bruce calls then "les Vieux...") .
Last week when the French won there were celebrations (very loud ones I might add til wee hours) and an impending feeling of sporting invincibility(contrary to the normal ethos of general grumpiness) partout. Even Riel was caught up in it, sitting prominantly on top of his play house bellowing "Allez les Bleus" and "Vive le France" to our empty courtyard like the best of them (and undoubtedly all the other little boys at his school). Which nationality is this little red headed kid of mine again anyway...??
A photo of Place Michelle about a block from our house, eve of the big match, the sounds of the cheers were heard in every corner of the town, indeed I suspect of France.
Big brother come to mind?
And then the game if any one was lucky enought to catch it....can't anyone else on the French team play soccer (or Foot pronounced "fooot"- little do they know this is an English word...as the french call it) except for Zidane?? Oh my goodness give the ball to someone else!!!
Ooh la la, didon!!
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